Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"My HeaRt"

....My HearT waS Taken by yoU....
BroKen bY yoU.....
anD noW iT is In PieceS BecaUse of yOu!!!....

Somebody aSked me...
Are you taken??
i answereD, 'yES iM taken"
Then i turNed aRounD,
With teaRs iN mY eyeS,
aS i whispEreD....
"TAKEN...taken For GranTed,
by the ONE i lOvE".....

It's not thAt We aren't MeanT To be TogeTher,
i Think That weRe Just noT reaDy foR "FOREVER"

Sometimes,its BettEr To Be alone,cOz nO onE Can HURT yoU That waY...

i CrieD today... Not becauSe, I Miss YOU....
or eVen WAnted YOu... But becauSe,
i RealiZed That im Gonna be aLL riGht withOut YOU......!!!

Wanting him Is hard to fOrget,
Loving Him Is hard to REGRET,
loSing Him Is harD to Accept,
But eVen WithoUt The HURT I've felt...
Letting go Is the MOST painFul Yet....

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hey guyzzz.....